
Mekeel sponsors a number of events and activities for student, community, and school enrichment. These various opportunities provide students options for exploring their gifts and interests and are designed to complement the regular curricular program and enrich our students’ educational experience.
Elementary students have opportunities to participate in activities like the ACSI Speech Meet, ACSI Math Olympics, Winter Enrichment Classes, Harvest Day, Field Day, Flag Day, Fourth and Fifth Grade Band, Grandparent/VIP Day, and many more special celebrations and learning opportunities.
Middle school students also have many enrichment opportunities at Mekeel including the Middle School Retreat, Math Olympics, Science Invention Convention, Modified Sports, Middle School Band, Drama Productions, and more.
Enrichment opportunities expand further in high school, with offerings in many areas including Drama Productions, the High School Retreat, Chapel Audio-Visual and Worship Teams, College Fairs, Jazz Band and Faithful Witness (select traveling choir), Honor Societies, College Fairs, Yearbook, Missions Trips, Winterim, and more. Winterim is a break from “normal” classes taken every year. During this time, students explore areas of interest from specially offered half and full-day courses in diverse areas of study. Recently, there have been classes in tiny house design, wilderness survival, bullet journaling, service learning, international cooking, art museum tours, metallurgy and power systems, photography, and more.
In addition to these grade-band specific opportunities, all students benefit from meaningful field trips and experiential learning, choir and band concerts, Missions Awareness and Spirit in Action Weeks, and several class trips (grades 6, 8, 11, and 12) as we endeavor to ensure all of Mekeel’s students receive a well-rounded education.